Is kecap manis the same as soy sauce?

Kecap means soy sauce in Indonesian, and the most popular type of kecap is kecap manis, which is a thick soy sauce sweetened with palm sugar. This dark, rich soy sauce is the key flavoring in popular Indonesian dishes like nasi goreng and satay.

What’s the difference between Ketjap Manis and kecap manis?

WHAT IS KECAP MANIS? Also known as ketjap manis, it’s a thick and dark molasses-like sauce with palm sugar and soy sauce as its base and with the addition of aromatic spices for flavor. The word manis means “sweet” in Malay/Indonesian and so the sauce is often referred to as “sweet soy sauce.”

Where is Ketjap Manis?

Originating in Indonesia, ketjap manis is a condiment similar to soy sauce but sweeter, with a thick, syrupy texture. Sometimes referred to as Indonesian ketchup, it’s made with palm sugar and spices for an intense flavour.

Is kecap manis the same as soy sauce? – Related Questions

What is a good substitute for ketjap manis?

The best substitute if using in a dish would be regular soy sauce and sugar without cooking it down, to give both the salty and sweetness. Next options would be to use hoisin sauce or oyster sauce. Is kecap manis sweet? Yes!

Is kecap manis the same as sambal oelek?

A sambal consists of Indonesian kecap manis (sweet soy sauce), red chilli, tomato pieces, shallots and lime, it has a sweet and spicy taste and usually used for barbecue dishes.

How do I substitute kecap manis?

Soy sauce with maple syrup

Mix one part soy sauce with one part maple syrup by volume. For example, take one tablespoon soy sauce and add one tablespoon maple syrup. Stir until well combined. Soy sauce and maple syrup make an excellent substitute for kecap manis.

Is Ketjap Manis like hoisin sauce?

Sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)

This Indonesian sauce is even sweeter than hoisin sauce. But will work well as a substitute if you don’t mind the sugar. Try a 1:1 substitution to start with.

Is kecap manis like oyster sauce?

Kecap manis

It’s an everyday staple in Asian dishes. It is often likened to soy sauce, but the main difference is that this sauce is sweeter and thicker. That makes it more similar to oyster sauce. Kecap Manis has palm sugar in it, and this is what makes it a sweeter sauce.

What is kecap manis in English?

Sweet soy sauce (Indonesian: kecap manis) is a sweetened aromatic soy sauce, originating in Indonesia, which has a darker color, a viscous syrupy consistency and a molasses-like flavor due to the generous addition of palm sugar or jaggery. Kecap manis is widely used with satay.

Where does kecap manis come from?

It’s believed that kecap manis was invented sometime in the mid-19th century. When Chinese migrants settled on Java, Indonesia’s most populous island, they realized the local Javanese had a sweet tooth. So the Chinese added gula merah, or palm sugar (called gula jawa in Java), to soy sauce, and kecap manis was born.

Is ketjap manis the same as hoisin sauce?

Kecap manis, or ketjap manis, is actually sweeter than hoisin sauce. Both are sweet, thickened sauces. However, kecap manis is thickened by reducing the sauce ingredients and hoisin sauce is thickened using cornstarch.

Is ketjap manis like hoisin sauce?

Sweet soy sauce (kecap manis)

This Indonesian sauce is even sweeter than hoisin sauce. But will work well as a substitute if you don’t mind the sugar. Try a 1:1 substitution to start with.

How do I substitute kecap manis?

Soy sauce with maple syrup

Mix one part soy sauce with one part maple syrup by volume. For example, take one tablespoon soy sauce and add one tablespoon maple syrup. Stir until well combined. Soy sauce and maple syrup make an excellent substitute for kecap manis.

Can I use oyster sauce instead of kecap manis?

5. Oyster Sauce. Like coconut aminos oyster sauce has more inherent sweetness than regular soy sauce but not as much as kecap manis. So I’d use 2 parts honey or brown sugar and 1 part oyster sauce as a substitute.

What is similar to kecap manis?

The Best Kecap Manis Substitutes
  • Honey + Soy Sauce. If I ever wanted to cook an Indonesian dish, I’d substitute 3 parts honey (or maple syrup) and 1 part soy sauce for the kecap manis.
  • Brown Sugar or Palm Sugar + Soy Sauce.
  • Honey + Fish sauce.
  • Coconut Aminos.
  • Oyster Sauce.

Is ketjap manis like teriyaki sauce?

Indonesian Kecap Manis (Sweet Soy Sauce)

This dark, thick sauce is used as a condiment in Indonesian cuisine and can be found in specialty and Asian grocery stores worldwide. Compared to teriyaki sauce, kecap manis is much sweeter.

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